
From London Hackspace Wiki
Revision as of 21:27, 2 October 2012 by Lbdl (talk | contribs)
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I like sensors, programmable logic, MCP's, Tesla, robotics, electronics (or at least learning it) and generally artificing.

I also rather like the concept of a free lunch and am perpetually in search of it.

I write software for a living (when someone wants to pay), I like the low level stuff although I am now quite enjoying iOS.

Really though I want to build robots, with frikking lasers, coming out of their eyes, that hunt and kill clowns and perhaps jugglers.

Perhaps when they are not usefully riding the world of clowns they could make stuff.

Old Ongoing Projects

  • Gardinator, a garden automation system (as if there weren't enough already)

Kinda works but could do with a reboot.

New Projects/wishlist/interests

  • Quadcopters with swarm logic
  • 3D printing
  • CNC router to save me ever having to cut a piece of wood again.
  • Floating robotic plants with swarm logic (I like swarm logic) and some form of location awareness, perhaps through magnetic mapping?