Workshops/interactive video with popcorn

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Interactive Video with Popcorn

Popcorn is Mozilla's "HTML5 javascript library for integrating the web into video production". On top of that there's Popcorn maker that offers a web based interface for making and remixing time based media on the web.

This Workshop

We'll start of with Popcorn maker for point and click action and then move into using popcorn.js for people who are into using JavaScript.

I hope we can also show some example projects that have been created using popcorn.

The Popcorn project intends to bring filmmakers and web developers closer together by letting them merge their technologies. Covering both Popcorn Maker and popcorn.js, the workshop will be interesting for both filmmakers who don't normally touch any code and techies who dream JS.


Now checking Friday 8 or Saturday 9 March 2013... TBA


Quiet room at the Hackspace

More Info

contact Philo via phillchill at gmail dot com