Project:PCB Making/Cupric chloride etchant

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Ferric Chloride is convenient for small projects, but it is used up and disposal is a pain. An alternative is an etchant that can be regenerated by adding HCl and bubbling air through it.

I understand from some sources that adding HCl to Ferric Chloride will also regenerate it and eventually the etchant changes to CuCl as above. I don't know how carefully that procedure needs to be managed, or whether it's better to start directly with the CuCl bath.

I've set up a bath using this system but still need to get some experience with it. Poke me for details. --Artag 13:00, 21 July 2010 (UTC)

There is some HCl in the space (I think it may have been donated by Aden) and some NaOH for titration. I have ordered 500g of Copper II Oxide (CuO) so whe should have most of what we need to get running pretty quickly when the donated tank arrives. I'll try and get a syringe for the titration from Boots, but I'm not sure how friendly they're likley to be...