Project:Coffee fix

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Revision as of 08:29, 26 June 2016 by Majkl (talk | contribs) (try adding links)
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This is a project to improve our ability to have a decent coffee fix.


Minimum viable product: a decent cup of espresso.

Real aim: we should be able to get pretty reasonable milk & espresso based drinks.


  • the coffee machine isn't so reliable - probably because it gets limescale?
  • we don't have a decent tamper for pressing down the coffee
  • we don't have a decent grinder
  • don't know where to get decent coffee
  • not the right gear for doing milk stuff

Planned ideas

make or acquire a tamper

Coffee tamper's can be bought but that's probably cheating. Here's a design, maybe we can use a lathe?

blender rendered picture of a proposed coffee tamper design
blender rendered picture of a proposed coffee tamper design

make or acquire a grinder

grinders are important so this is where we have a definite challenge. Maybe we can find a cafe that's closing? Actually making a grinder needs very precise machining of two big lumps of metal.

improve coffee machine

We have a nice machine alreadyEquipment/Gaggia Coffee Machine but it has some problems

  • it's difficult to put water in - need to stick a handle on the top
  • it seemed to get clogged up - probably limescale - need to clean & debug

I have an old machine it might be worth attempting to repair so we have a spare. I'm going to bring it in and see what can be done. Majkl (talk) 09:27, 26 June 2016 (BST)

improve coffee supply

  • better instructions for where to buy?
  • more visible Chthulu?


  • Michael / majkl / started this


  • Page created today Majkl (talk) 09:27, 26 June 2016 (BST)
  • Things will go slowly but surely
  • probably never finish everything.