From London Hackspace Wiki
Things You Want
We put in regular orders for electronic components and keep a large stock in the space, if you wish to use components from the space or want to add something to the next order, read the components page.
If you want the space to buy equipment, books or anything else, add it to the Wishlist or to the Pledges.
If you want to buy something yourself, have a look at the Suppliers page
Things We Have
This list is nowhere near comprehensive. It's also eternally out of date. If you actually want to see what we have, drop by the space and have a look.
- Fluke/Philips PM 3365A 100MHz digital oscilloscope, with two probes
- HP 1650A Logic analyzer (32-channel)
- 2x 0-20V 0-5A bench power supplies
- Adjustable flourescent work lamps/magnifiers
- Multimeter
- Soldering irons
- SMD hot air rework station
- 2x Bus Pirates
- Half a dozen Atmel Atmega328Ps, ideally with Arduino bootloader
- AVRISP mkII In-System Programmer Anyone is welcome to use this, but please do not hack beyond repair. Thanks! SpikeUK 05:38, 12 August 2010 (UTC)
- Peak DCA55 Component analyserIdentifies transistor pinout, gain and type - NPN, PNP, FET etc. (PDF manual)
Pet care
- Mechanised Woodlouse Maze
- UV Exposure Box
Computer bits
- Fonera 2.0n (router and ChaosVPN connection)
- 3 PCs
- 2 nice Apple monitor (24"?) and another flatscreen
- An IP Secure300r webcam and a PTZ webcam
- NEC_VT440 Projector
- SANYO Multimedia ProX projector
- InFocus IN1 Projector
Stuff to Make Things With
- Makerbot Cupcake CNC rapid prototyping machine
- Laser Cutter / Engraver
- Vinyl Cutter
- 2 Dremels and associated bits
- Dremel pillar drill (Ideal for drilling PCB's)
- Many many assorted tools
- selection of M2/2.5/3/4 nuts and bolts
- Sewing Machines
- Dymo machines
Wood working
- Router
- Jigsaw
- Orbital sander
- Hacksaw
- Generic wood saw
- Power plane (needs blade adjustment)
- Mitre block/box
- Drill bits
- Rasps
Metal Working
- Lathe
- Milling machine
- Bandsaw
- Multiformer - the 12" model
- 150mm bench grinder
- Live centre for lathe tail stock
- 3 jaw chuck for lathe tailstock
- Rotary table
- Angle plate
- 7 piece indexable lathe tool set
- Collet chuck sets, 4mm - 16mm, 1/8" - 1/2"
- Boring head
- Boring tools
- Workholding Clamp set
- Drills from 1mm - 10mm in 0.1mm increments, 91 in total if it wasn't for the 1mm, 1.8mm and 4mm currently being missing
- Tap and die sets - from tiny ( 1mm ) to chunky ( 12mm )
- Fly cutter set
- Countersink set
- End mills 2mm - 12mm
- Slot drills 2mm - 8mm?
- Transfer punch kit
- Micrometer - 25mm
- Angle vice
- Spring kit
- Circlip kit
- Roll pin kit
- R clip kit
- Kettle
- Cafetiere
- Espresso machine
- Kettle (dual use)
- Tea bags
- There is no teapot ! wtf ?, I'll ask my g/f if I can donate one of ours
Cleaning and maintenance
Dead Trees / Library
See Library
Things being borrowed
- A hammer JasperWallace 23:43, 19 September 2010 (UTC)
- Model Engineering book Luke