Project:Library/Initial Data

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A csv file. Whatever is the populated field is then ISBN, I think it came out as translator when I tried it.

Also there are a couple of non-registered

B005E2V7EW fane 5915361


Publisher: Dorman Long & Co Ltd (1938) ASIN: B005E2V7EW

fane: loudspeaker enclosure design and construction

library of congress 59-15361 101 ways to use your audio test equipment (A Howard W. Sams photofact publication) by Robert Gordon Middleton (Author)

Title;Subtitle;Author;Editor;Binding;Purchase Date;Purchase Price;Publisher;Edition;Copyright Year;Publication Year;ISBN#;LCCN#;Pages;Translator;Language;Genre;Keywords;Series;Series Number;Condition;Signed;Read;Gift;Loaned;Rating;Front Cover;Comments;ID;Date Created;Date Modified


Removed duplicates and ran through google books api, taking the first result.

ISBN codes google didn't have...
