Hypothetical Fumey Container

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This is the page for debating the colour of the bikewelding/ Forge shed.

Plan for shipping container in the yard for fume generating work

The plan is to get a shipping container and fit out for various kinds of work which are unsafe in the unventilated basement:

  • Welding (to noisy internally and externally and a container would not allow for example the frames being made by Charles currently and a lot of the other stuff made in the welding room )
  • Significant amounts of grinding (In all likely hood also to noisy internally and externally)
  • Kiln use
  • Paint Work

Tools which will end up there

  • Kiln
  • Forge
  • Separate section for paint work ?


A 20' container has the dimensions: w = 2.5m h = 2.6m l = 6m

Area excluding floor is about 60m^2.

Total: £1848 - 3348