Organisation/2014 AGM

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The London Hackspace Ltd 2014 Annual General Meeting will be held on the evening of Wednesday the 10th of December at 8pm. The venue is MozSpace London, 101 St. Martins Lane, WC2N 4AZ. It should last less than an hour.


The meeting is open to all paid-up members, and your membership status will be checked on entry. We'll go to the pub afterwards - which non-members are welcome to attend - but we're not going to make it a big thing.


The purpose of the AGM is primarily to carry out our legal obligations towards the governance of London Hackspace. Discussions about the day-to-day running of the space are not held at the AGM.

Resolution 1: Adoption of new Articles of Association

a) that the new Articles of Association be adopted.

b) that for the purposes of Article 25, the first Directors Election has already occurred.

The new Articles finally bring our electronic trustees election system into the constitution, so the election process doesn't need to be continually approved at a general meeting. They also make a few other minor tweaks. You can find a diff of the changes here, and the full new Articles of Association here.


We will adjourn to The Chandos, 29 St Martin's Lane, before 21:30.