Project:Granular synthesis project

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Project description

Adrian will be presenting a piece of software, which he has been developing since May 2010 and a multitouch iPad controller, which was especially designed to facilitate the use of this software in live performance.

The ag.granur.suite is a modular system for sound design, composition and live performance, build around a granular synthesis engine, which enables its user to explore rhythm, timbre, melody, harmony and texture on a continuos timescale and seamlessly transition between them. Additionally, the multichannel capabilities of the software (grains can be scattered between up to 64 discrete channels) facilitate exploration of the relationships between the above musical elements and physical space. An early version of the software has already been used in live performance during concerts in London and Aldeburgh.

The iPad controller features an innovative user interface, which makes full use of the multitouch capabilities of the device, and facilitates expressive and intuitive control over the software during live performance. Due to the fact that visual feedback is displayed directly on the device, the performer doesn't have to look at the computer screen at all, and can direct all his attention to the performance.

Adrian Gierakowski Bio

Adrian is classically trained pianist of Polish origin, a composer of instrumental, electroacoustic and electronic music and a self taught programmer. He received a degree in Creative Music Technology from the University of Huddersfield with a special award for creative programming. His work have beed performed in London (Kings Place), Aldeburgh (Snape Maltings, Britten Studio), Champaign (IL, USA), Huddersfield and York. Currently he is studying for a Masters by research degree at the University of Huddersfield. His research is focused on the use of multitouch-screen interfaces for live performance of electronic music.


software website with description and download links:

demo of ag.granular.suite:

multitouch controller:

performance in London: