Project talk:26-pop-up-hackerspace

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A recent email from Nigle 23:15, 13 October 2010 (UTC):

I have a ton of stuff that could be useful for this, first up is the popup gazebo - I also have some LED lighting to go inside. Rather than set it up over a pre-existing picnic table I have a pair of camping tables about 2ft x 4ft and a camping chair ( more can be bought, they start at only £5 each ). The coolest thing ( literally ) is the gas powered fridge, ideal for beer! I have cooking stuff, so tea and coffee won't be a problem. Bacon baps too :-)

Other kit that could be useful to go in it include a 600W inverter, a decent gas soldering iron and a battery powered portable printer. I am in the process of persuading work to buy a handheld oscilloscope which would probably be available to borrow, if not then I could bring my Tektronix scope and plug it into the inverter. I have a selection of other bits of lab equipment that I could bring.

Is this still an active project?

Nigel Worsley aka nigle