
From London Hackspace Wiki

London Hackspace is run entirely by its members and, on the whole, this works pretty well. As hackers we hate making rules almost as much as we hate following them, so we really want to keep the number of rules to a minimum. We can only do this if members and visitors observe the spirit -- not just the letter -- of these rules; they are here firstly for your safety, and secondly to prevent annoyance to other users of the space.

We have a number of formal policies which members must agree to as part of being a member. These are:

We also have a number of guides that are good reading for prospective users of the space.

In addition to these policies, all members and visitors are expected to observe the following rules for the benefit of themselves and all others using the space:

Rule -1

  1. Don't be a dick.

Rule Zero

  1. Do not be on fire.


  1. Do not use tools unless you're sure you know how to do so safely. If you see someone working in an unsafe way, it's your duty to stop them and let them know.
  2. Do not defeat or hack safety features/equipment. This is for other people's safety as much as yours.
  3. Check the wiki for instructions. Read the warnings. If in doubt, ask.

Making Decisions

  1. If something is broken, and you are competent, fix it; don't complain. If you can't fix it, tell the trustees ASAP.
  2. If you're doing something major, ask on Discord or on the mailing list first.


  1. Do not treat the Hackspace like your home, it is a shared space. Sleeping anywhere on Hackspace property is forbidden. (also see Sleeping in Hackspace and Receiving Mail)
  2. Equipment should be treated with care and respect. If a tool is damaged while you're using it, you must let us know on Discord or the mailing list. If you damage a tool due to misuse, the trustees may ask you to contribute money towards its replacement or repair.

Personal Items

  1. Members are allowed to store personal items in the space, but they must be kept in one of the member boxes, labelled with your name and membership number. One box per member. Empty boxes may be recycled for other members if needed. See also: Storage.
  2. Larger/more items may be allowed, but please note that space is limited. You must fill out an online storage request first. When your request is approved items should be clearly labelled as yours with a valid Do Not Hack sticker available from the kiosk. Read Detailed Guide Here: Bringing Items To The Space

Donating, Loaning, or Borrowing Items

  1. Carefully consider the true usefulness of an item before bringing it to the space. Disposal requires effort and space is limited. Seek permission for large items.
  2. If you're leaving something and you would rather it was not mercilessly ripped apart, please label it accordingly.
  3. Likewise, if something looks expensive or useful please don't mercilessly rip it apart without asking first.
  4. Do not remove tools from the space.


  1. Workbenches should be completely clean when you leave - be considerate for the next user. Please put tools back where you found them.
  2. Wash your dirty crockery and cutlery before leaving the space. Don't leave it in the sink.
  3. Any items left on a workbench overnight become fair game. Put your stuff back in your box or take it away.
  4. If you have engaged in any waste generating activity (e.g. peeling wires, welding, grinding etc), clean it all up.
  5. Do not bring vehicles inside the space, and don't bring bikes into the space unless you are working on them, they take up too much room.


  1. If you think something should be thrown out, put it in the outgoing trash box. Two weeks later the box will go in the skip.
  2. If something is too big to fit in the trash box, you should probably post to the list about it.
  3. If you want to throw something away which looks useful, make sure the mailing list is informed well in advance. (Also see: Storage#Disposal)


  1. An RFID Access card is for the use of that member only. No use of other members cards for doors or tool use is allowed
  2. Guests are the responsibility of the the member who has brought them. Don't leave guests unattended.

Reasonable use of resources

  1. While its often the case that a member has an important project to work on, monopolising the use of a tool or other resource for many hours or days, to the exclusion of other members is an unreasonable use of the space. If you plan on doing something particularly significant, please ask on Discord or the mailing list first.


If you continually annoy or endanger others by ignoring these rules, the trustees have the right to impose sanctions, as described in the Grievance Procedure. It is not something they want to do.

Note re sleeping: Due to a recent increase in members found sleeping in the space, anyone found sleeping on Hackspace premises should be asked to leave and not return for 24 hours. This covers the whole property, including the yard and within vehicles thereon.