Laboratory 24/Infrastructure

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The centre manager is Ted Kerr (07730 200 260).

Phone Service

There are two phone lines in the space:

  • 020 7613 5391 (main phone, broadband)
  • 020 7729 5134 (unconnected)

Phone service is provided through M-Line, who are a great little BT reseller. Any problems, ring them up and ask for Strachan (pronounced straw-n). Say Russ Garrett sent you.


Internet is provided by Be - we have the Be Pro service on a 1 year contract (started 18/07/2010), with Annex-M.

DNS 1:
DNS 2:

The BeBox is operating in bridged mode with all routing handled by the Fonera.

Our internal network operates on the range (this is registered with ChaosVPN).

We also advertise and route IPv6 within the space. This is currently tunnelled to Hurricane Electric. The account is currently with Mark, but will be transferred shortly.

IP prefix: 2001:470:92f1::/48

We do not use DHCP for IPv6 at the moment, so do not provide automatic rDNS. Servers are set up for DNS under, which is also currently with Mark.

The switch is a 3CR17501-91


Initial meter reading: 251818 (16/07/2010)


We don't use the alarm controller, but we do use the 12V UPS and sensors for the door controller. Much of the existing sensors and cabling is still in place.


The UPS model number is 1381N.

  • 12 volts, 1 amp output, 1.5 amp maximum (including battery charging)
  • Mains LED (green) indicates that mains is connected. Extinguishes if disconnected from mains or mains input fuse is blown.
  • Battery Stand-by LED (amber) indicates that unit is operating on battery stand-by. (does it? It's on all the time. seems to mean the battery is fine, unplugging the mains certainly powers the circuits off the battery, and the battery can't have been powering it the entire time...)
  • Output Fault (red) indicates that output fuse fault or battery fuse fault. Further LED (red) on PCB shows battery fuse failure.


Conveniently, stripping the alarm out has left lots of useful wiring all over the building. We're already using a pair of wires to trigger the door release; there are plenty more cables though, some even wired into useful sensors (PIRs and door open/closed magnets)


Floor plan
  • Main Room: 400 x 1140
  • First Room: 350 x 690
  • Front bit: 55 x 110
  • Dirty shop: 350 x 720
  • Back room: 250 x 400
  • Fridge hole: 60 x 110