Grievance Procedure/Emails

From London Hackspace Wiki

Email templates for warnings/bans. (Make sure to always CC trustees@)

First Warning

Hello <name>,

This letter is your first formal warning under the London Hackspace grievance procedure:

<provide reasons for warning>

With more than 500 members in such a small space, each Hackspace member has to follow the rules in order for the space to remain usable for everyone. You have been informally warned about your behaviour on several occasions before, and your conduct has not changed. For this reason we are now issuing you with a formal warning to make it absolutely clear that such behaviour is not acceptable.

If you continue to conduct yourself in such a manner you will be issued with one further warning, and then banned from the Hackspace.

You can email if you would like to meet with a trustee to discuss this in person.

Yours sincerely,

The London Hackspace Trustees