From London Hackspace Wiki
Cleaning Tasks
This page is for listing cleaning and other maintenance tasks that can (and should!) be done around the hackspace. Each task should be no more than 30 mins or so.
The tasks are divided up into different areas of the space.
Please add to this page! especially if there are areas of the hackspace that you think could be cleaner/tidyer/better managed!
- add a map of areas
- Check the plants // water the plants - classroom desks, central & black desks, palms by the central pillar, plants on craft area window sill.
- Check bins // Empty bins
- Check surfaces are clean // Clean work surfaces
- Check the floor is clean // Brush and mop floor
- Check for out of date items in the fridge // Throw out any out of date items in the fridge
- Check bins // Empty bins
- Check that the desks are clear of stuff // Clear the stuff
Black desks outside the Classroom
- Check bins // Empty bins
- Check that the desks are clear of stuff // Clear the stuff
- Check bins // Empty bins
- Check that the desk is clear of stuff // Clear the stuff
Kitchen corridor
- Check the floor is clean // brush floor
Central desks
- Check that the desks are clear of stuff // Clear the stuff
- Check bins // Empty bins
Social area
- Remove any rubbish
- Check that it's clean // Clean and wipe the table, brush the floor
Tuck shop
- Check that there is clubmate & Jones in the fridge // Fill the Fridge with Clubmate and Jones, Jones is under the table, clubmate in the room behind the kitchen (?)
- Check that there is space in the cash boxes, if not tell the mailing list
- Check bins // Empty bins
Front door area
- Clean floor
- Notify mailing list if the e-waste bin is full.
Electronics area
- Check bins // Empty bins
- Check the floor is clean // brush floor
3d printing area
- Check the floor is clean // brush floor
Craft area
- Check the floor is clean // brush floor
- Check that the desks are clear of stuff // Clear the stuff
Roller shutter & storage shelves
- Check the floor is clean // brush floor
- Check that the shelves are tidy // tidy the monitors and cables
Storage opposite Biohackers
Member storage
Woodwork area
- Check bins // Empty bins
- Check the floor is clean // brush floor
Metal work area
- Check bins // Empty bins
- Check the floor is clean // brush floor
General workshop area
- Check bins // Empty bins
- Check the floor is clean // brush floor (probably have to split this one up).