From London Hackspace Wiki
Templates for use on the announce mailing list.
- Once a week, every Wednesday evening.
Subject: London Hackspace News: 23rd - 29th June 2011
You can read the latest London Hackspace news at [1]. [1]
- As needed when a workshop is announced.
Subject: London Hackspace Workshop: Web Application Cracking #2 (Saturday 21st May 2011, 13:00 - 17:00)
Title: Hacking Hacking, Web Application Cracking #2 [1] Description: A workshop on web application cracking covering CSRF and SQL injections. Date: Saturday 21st May 2011, 13:00 - 17:00 Location: Laboratory 24, 37 Cremer Street, E2 8HD [2] Cost: Free (a small donation to the London Hackspace would be appreciated) Note: This event is preceded by a short rerun of the first workshop from 10:30 - 12:30. [1] [2]
- As needed when an event is announced.
Subject: London Hackspace Event: Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Trip (Thursday 9th June 2011)
Title: Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Trip [1] Description: A tour of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire. As well as the Diamond Light source (most likely not on this trip) RAL contains ISIS a muon/neutron source, CLF (the central laser facility) as well as all sorts of cool workshops (they're constructing bits of ALMA here). Date: Thursday 9th June 2011 Location: Near Didcot, Oxfordshire [2] Sam has been asked to give definite numbers of who will be attending the RAL trip. There are 100 places for each of two slots, a morning (10:00-13:30) and afternoon (13:30-16:30) session. The hackspace will probably aim for the afternoon slot as this should give us more time to get there. The tour itself is free so we only need to pay to get there (£21.50 return from Paddington + £3.30 for the bus from Didcott). The ISIS tour is included but as it's in a classified radiation area: "This tour should be avoided if you have a pace maker, a hearing aid, are pregnant or are under 16 years of age." If you want to come please email Sam Cook <> by the end of the week as well as if you want to go on the ISIS tour. Original Message: [3] [1] [2] [3]