Other Hackspaces: Difference between revisions

From London Hackspace Wiki
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* [http://www.56a.org.uk/bikeworkshop.html 56a Bikeroom] South London's D-I-T (Do-It-Together) bikespace
* [http://www.56a.org.uk/bikeworkshop.html 56a Bikeroom] South London's D-I-T (Do-It-Together) bikespace
* [http://wiki.fablab.is/wiki/Main_Page FabLabs]
* [http://wiki.fablab.is/wiki/Main_Page FabLabs]
* [http://fablablondon.org/]
* [http://fablablondon.org/ Fab Lab London]


Revision as of 14:19, 17 December 2014

There are two key lists of other hackspaces:


martind is maintaining a growing list of hackspace-like/maker/craft community organisations in London (not necessarily hackspaces). Feel free to contribute!
