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1) Large jacob's ladder - needing a lot of love
1) Large jacob's ladder - needing a lot of love
2) Steampunk "time travel" project, just starting
2) Steampunk [[Project:Cholten99/TimeTravel|Time Travel]] project
3) "Stand Up" website, lots of ideas - now just need to do it...
3) [[Project:Cholten99/UFO|UFO project]]
4) Creating a set of script libraries (PHP, Python, Ruby) to be able to use the JSON output from Google Refine (http://code.google.com/p/google-refine/)
4) [[Project:Cholten99/GiantSwitch|Giant switch]] as 'space lightswitch...
5) [[Project:Cholten99/VMsInHackspace|VMs in Hackspace]]
See XLS in my Google Documents
See archived email with subject "Geographic/ceremonial county lookup"
I recently asked Katie if she knew of any hackers who currently have
some free cycles that they might like to put into an interesting
project. Not unreasonably she said that people would want to know what
it was before commiting themselves - so here's a brief over-view of
what I would love to achieve.
What I'm really looking for at the moment is 1 or 2 other coders who
could get motivated about this and help to motivate each other to make
it happen!
It's called "Stand up!" from one of my all time favourite quotes
"Heaven save us from the poltroons who fear to make a choice. Let us
stand up and be counted!" (Robert Heinlein).
The site is intended to help the worthy campaigns who urge people to
email or otherwise contact their MPs / MEPs / councilors. The 'net
makes such campaigns very easy and MPs get 100s of often boilerplate
emails that they don't read.
There would be six parts to the site:
1) Joining / profile : Members can sign up by OAuth (Twiter, FB, etc),
OpenID or create an account. They can then enter some basic details
and upload a photo (or choose to always use their Twitter or FB
current user pics).
2) Verifying their identity : This is the key part - associating the
account with a specific person at a specific real-world address. My
best way of coming up with this is to ask the person to make a £1
donation to one of a list of charities, using PayPal / Experian to
supply the name and address of that the credit-card info / PayPal
inputted data and then linking that to the account. Obviously this is
highly sensitive data and we would need to be very careful how it is
stored, transferred, etc.
3) Creating campaigns : Groups such as Amnesty, 38 Degrees and local
campaigns can apply to create campaigns on the site. This would be
manually moderated. Campaigns could be flagged as "local" (and then
limited to a sub-set of post-codes) or national.
4) Users express interest in campaigns : Once a user is verified they
can see the list of all campaigns that effect them (all ones that
cover their post code and all national ones). They can then select to
support (or remove previously given support) from any campaign.
Optionally they can opt to support annonymously.
5) MPs and other officials : Of particular interest to MPs but can be
seen by anyone. For any given constituency list the local and national
campaigns with the most signed up people in that area. Show statistics
like "3083 named people  and 71 anonymous people out of 10,293
registered voters in the borough of Enfield have Stood Up to support
keeping Chase Farm A&E open". Optionally show micro-pictures of people
who have expressed support for the campaign in that area (blanks for
6) Public campaign pages : Each campaign would have it's own generated
page with text and artwork and the ability to list the names (and
numbers of anonymous but verified people) who have pledged support for
that cause - broken down by constituency.
Obviously this is a fair bit of work and would probably need a few
iterations before being opened to the public. Ideally I would love to
have some groups like Amnesty, ORG and Oxfam agree to promote it their
campign emails before making it available.
There's also some more thinking about use-cases that need to go into
this that might involve using the electorial register in some way
(what happens when a person has more than one credit-card registered
at one address in different names?).
Also, this site excludes anyone who doesn't have access to an online
address verification mechanism but I can't see a way around that
While I'd be very interested in people's thoughts about such a project
I'm really looking for people who might want to help me run with it!

Latest revision as of 23:54, 8 August 2011

Email : dave@bowsy.co.uk


1) Large jacob's ladder - needing a lot of love

2) Steampunk Time Travel project

3) UFO project

4) Giant switch as 'space lightswitch...

5) VMs in Hackspace