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Latest revision as of 15:16, 3 June 2013

Let's work as a group on a micro-controller project!

We are building a new LED notification board for the workshop, adapted from Solexious' project. We're using this project as a learning platform for the new Not Just Arduino members.

We had interesting discussions & contributions from Jasper, TimS, Sue and Artag, everybody welcome to contribute.


- 4 x DE-DP10XV110 Green LED Dot Matrix available in the space

What extra functionalities do you want to add to the actual board?

>>>> Please add below: your links, suggestions, code, specs on the project page

  • Provisioning a network cable to the board can be a pain and that's just to send a few bytes of data every now and then. We can use the Nordic nrf21 chips (same as in EMF badge) to send the data wirelessly and cheaply. There is a good guide online. We will require a simple server/client setup.

<graphviz border='frame' format='png' >

digraph rfboard{
  IRCCAT [shape=box];
  sender [label="Arduino sender",shape=box];
  receiver [label="Arduino receiver",shape=box];
  board [label="LED board",shape=box];
  IRCCAT-> sender;
  sender-> receiver [label="RF"];
  receiver -> board;

} </graphviz>


Existing board:

As example here is the code from the 1st notification board:

Other links:

The code is here:

Write to board from IRC

   ?board <this lands on board>

Project status

  • Testing libraries (1,2)
  • Needs more skilled people involved!