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== Recently ==
== Recently ==
* Two CR oscilloscopes. These were donated whilst at Cremer St and were previously stored under the electronics bench (seen there in the first half of 2014). An HP 1700 series and a Tek 475 (I think). Remaining oscilloscopes are a fairly recent Rigol, a Philips, a Hameg and an ancient Cossor. All are inferior to the Tek and HP for most jobs.
* The PCB shears / guillotine. This is a very expensive item and was donated to us. It disappeared again a couple of months later, around June 2014
* The UV exposure unit for PCB making. A replacement was purchased by pledge.
* A Logitech gaming keyboard donated by [[User:Velyks|Velyks]], last seen in the keyboard bin - 13 Dec 2013.
* [[User:wyan|wyan]]'s labcoat (Dr Evil version, LHS logo and "wyan" embroidered). Was last seen in the coat hanger a few days before the open day (2nd Nov 2013).
* Camille's laptop from the workshop ([https://groups.google.com/d/msg/london-hack-space/a_2JcTnONy4/UKSUbNeyMuUJ mailing list thread]). 17th October 2013.
* [[Church]]. Added 17 October 2013
* the card, (but not the cable!) of a 4 port pci serial card. Added 17 October 2013
* 2 x nice motherboards + cpu's, one intel donated by tgreer and an amd one that we've had for a while. Added 17 October 2013
* 2.5in sata hard drive that was with a dead mobo downstairs. Added 17 October 2013, gone in the last 3 weeks.
* Daniel Steen's post - something from China. ([https://groups.google.com/d/msg/london-hack-space/rt3k7XXTsKU/h0b3B9HeY1gJ mailing list thread]). Reported 13th October 2013, last seen 20th September 2013.
* The Hackspace's Dell Ultrasharp monitor 22-24" with HDMI input ([https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/london-hack-space/QTPxBTP4snE mailing list thread]). List notified on 7th October 2013
* T1000 Sun server ([https://groups.google.com/d/msg/london-hack-space/tOjWxKjJmRw/cFic2rbJui4J mailing list thread]). List notified on 5th October 2013
* Shim Smilansky's grey Big Jambox speakers ([https://groups.google.com/d/msg/london-hack-space/pd5Oq5MEvKQ/B7loexLhtQcJ mailing list thread]). Listed notified on 16th August 2013
* BBQ grill ([https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/london-hack-space/AU_BdUcJbUc/30G2nJOEtS0J mailing list thread]). List notified on 15th July 2013
* Tom's laptop from the caravan in the car park. some point after the move in 2013
* 12" bell-jar cut cylinder from Vac-station project - Between Last seen 17-07-13 and gone by 12-09-13 (was labled DNH. Sticker *removed* and replaced on other equipment)
* Two NEMA 23 steppers from engraver refurbishment (labled DNH) - noticed October 3rd 2013
* Fabscan arduino shield, Arduino Uno and bolts from fabscan ([https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/london-hack-space/fabscan/london-hack-space/yyDjBd7nnIE/jcqrRLT5zE4J mailing list thread]) reported to list 2nd July 2013.
== Over six months ago ==
== Over six months ago ==
* Tomwyatt's projector
* More Minumus development boards, 32K type, from drrk's order (were waiting in the quiet room for collection)
* Mobile phone charger Galaxy S3 (see picture [http://nsa29.casimages.com/img/2012/08/26/120826041144284707.jpg here]) (left and lost in the space a while back, but realised just now there was a lost and found section) [[User:Marcbarto| Marc]]
* Allied Telesys MR820T Ethernet Hub <s><- if this is the long grey one it's been around recently.</s>
* 2x Microsoft Kinects (!) - One was donated and one was pledged for.
* The Variac. It seems to have disappeared. Noticed about NY 2013..
* Keyless chuck for the 3-in-1 [https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!searchin/london-hack-space/keyless$20chuck/london-hack-space/CpOlKScHNyc/E2kpAgugJMUJ mailing list thread]
* Unbranded mains hammer drill donated to the space by Elliot. The drill casing was a grey/blue colour.
If the item turns up, please move it to the list below or remove it completely. We don't want to get upset about stuff that's no longer missing.
If the item turns up, please move it to the list below or remove it completely. We don't want to get upset about stuff that's no longer missing.
*AVR programmer (solexious found it on the electronics bench, put it in the arduino bin 20/11/12)
* 8 x [http://www.modtraders.co.uk/minimus-avr-usb-development-board.html Minimus AVR USB Development Boards] were lost by [[User:Montyphy|Monty]]. Noticed to be missing on 8th March 2012. ([https://groups.google.com/group/london-hack-space/browse_thread/thread/6ba2d3da33b9bd50 mailing list]) (Paddy found the envelope in the Gauges box in the workshop)
* HDMI/DVI adapter for Google TV
* [http://www.globalspecialties.com/media/k2/items/cache/00e7056ec788d5b42162a6c13dbba43c_XL.jpg Global Specialties PB103 breadboard] was lost by [[User:Teabot|Elliot ]] was found assimilated into a robotics project.
* Paul's carrier bag of (mostly amateur) radio kit. Including Baofeng handheld, some coax etc. Lost over the summer 2013.

Latest revision as of 19:19, 6 October 2018

Things occasionally go missing in the hackspace. Most of them turn up (Russ's first law of Hackspace) but some don't.

This page is a place to record things that have been lost, especially if you suspect they've been taken away by persons unknown.


If you lose something, list it here, with your contact details.
It's OK to list stuff that belongs to the space. Your contact details are still useful even if it's not personal property.
If you've taken it, not realising it wasn't free, please get in touch and return it.


Over six months ago


If the item turns up, please move it to the list below or remove it completely. We don't want to get upset about stuff that's no longer missing.