
From London Hackspace Wiki
Revision as of 00:15, 3 September 2011 by (talk)


A 30 second pitch Nanode is an open source Arduino-like board that has in-built web connectivity. It connects to a range of wireless, wired and ethernet interfaces. It allows you to develop web based sensor and control systems - giving you web access to six analogue sensor lines and six digital I/O lines. It costs under £20 as an easy build it yourself kit. Nanode was designed with Hacking in mind.

What can you do with it?

Pachube Anything you can do with a nanode.

Where else to look

FAQ here's a list of Frequently Asked Questions about the Nanode

Registration - Add your newly built Nanode to the Registrar of Nanodes and Users

Documentation PCB Files, schematics and other useful pdf Documents

Building It - this shortcut takes you to the Pictorial Building Guide This is the definitive assembly guide in photos - which replaces more traditional parts lists, schematics and component insertion lists - please read this before you start soldering!

Applications - Here's a list of Applications currently under development on the Nanode

Nanode News - the latest happenings on the Nanode Project here