
From London Hackspace Wiki
Revision as of 09:41, 4 October 2011 by Renski (talk | contribs)
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What to bring

Required Equipment

You will need...

  • Computer with can access the space's wireless network
  • A brain

Useful Equipment

I will have one set of spares of these items with me

  • Lockpicks
  • A wireless card which can be used for wireless hacking
  • A copy of backtrack or your own set of hacking tools


1 - Too Easy

Level: Really easy, help available

2 - It's 2008

Level: Really easy, help available

3 - Let me in

Level: Easy, help available

4 - Disabled by Default

Level: Medium, help available

5 - Tricky

Level: Medium

7 - Read my Email

Level: Hard

6 - Hidden Chaos

Level: Hard

8 - Hacking Quiz

Level: Easy