Pledge: The Dusty Woodshop Gets an Upgrade

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Revision as of 10:40, 14 February 2015 by Cynikal (talk | contribs)
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Picture of the item

Current status


Important Dates

  • Editing opened: 13th February
  • Editing closes: 17th February
  • Pledging goes live: 18th February
  • Pledge closes: 28th February

Pledge Overview

The dusty workshop is overdue for some tender loving care. Help support the ongoing upgrades with this pledge.

The main idea behind the proposals is to make as much working space as possible in the woodshop, with the focus on encouraging the use of dusty and noisy machinery in here. Assembly, gluing, varnishing and other wood-related activity can be performed in the main basement area on the new workbenches. The planer and router-table will move out from the wall for use. Benches on the left as you enter will support sanding needs, the pillar drill, chop saw, potentially the lathe.

Our proposals:

  • the new table saw will take centre-stage in the wood shop - it will require space around it to use safely
  • Sell, return to owners, or donate unneeded table saws. Keep extra scroll saw for spares or as a back-up.
  • the existing fixed wood benches will remain, but the tables against the far wall (currently supporting portable tables saws and sander) will be removed to make space
  • the lathe will either be removed or moved to a smaller, more convenient bench area (requiring re-mounting of its motor - a non-trivial exercise)
  • the bandsaw will remain where it currently is, but rotated so the column faces the wall for each of working
  • dust extraction installed to all machines (will require a pledge for pipes and potentially another extractor)

There is a discussion on the main Hackspace mailing list!topic/london-hack-space/mmEDvdHLpi0

The pledge will go live on Wednesday 18th February 2015 and run for 10 days. Pledges will be collected in the first week of March and we'd aim to complete the work by the end of March.

Pledge leader: Will

We've split the pledge into three tiers similar to a Kickstarter campaign.

  • The first tier is for must-have items. The pledge will fail unless we meet the minimum required to purchase these.
  • The second tier is for useful upgrades.
  • The third tier is for items that are not necessary, but would be nice to own (and improve the space).

Tier 1: Must-have items

  • 3-phase cabling and associated glands, clips, isolators and plugs to wire up the bandsaw and table saw.
  • Dust extraction ducting for the table saw, bandsaw

Budget estimation

Total - £300

Tier 2: Useful upgrades

  • A vacuum attachment for the dust-extractor
  • 2 x aluminium blast gates to control air flow in the dust extractor

Budget estimation

Total - £200

Tier 3: Nice-to-have

Budget estimation

Total - £200


  • <what the item can do>

Additional information=

  • <anything else>


Running total: £80

Approximate target: £unlimited