From London Hackspace Wiki
2 matching ldc's (wide or standard)
I'd like one or more of of the USB drives
Maybe a drive rack - interested in reliability so could be a 4x or 8x rack to make a TB of RAID. Don't much care about the performance so would choose a low end one if quieter or lower power. Maybe even that type with two spaces for IDE and some SATA cables.
1 x 1U server:
- must have
- 2 cores
- NX bit support
- VT bit support (hardware virtualisation)
- sata
- 1Gb of ram
- mounting rails
- would be nice to have
- 4Gb + ram
- plain sata interface (i.e. no pseudo raid or hardware raid)
- serial console support in the bios or some other management thing.
The charity JasperWallace volunteers at (IOFC)
- 5x or more lcd screens.
- They don't yet know they want them, i need to ask.