From London Hackspace Wiki
To install Bitlash 2.0 RC3d on a nanode you need to do the following
Edit libraries/bitlash/src/bitlash-instream.c to turn off the SDFILE define at or near line 32, make this:
#define SDFILE
look like this:
//#define SDFILE
Now restart Arduino 0022, open examples->bitlash->bitlashdemo and upload to your Arduino
Plan of action
- setup a webserver on the nanode
- use bitlash library to init and run bitlash
- filter for URL that has http://<ip>/bitlashconsole/<command>
- grab everything after /bitlashconsole/
- use doCharacter(char c) to pipe each char to the bitlash console, one at a time
- for carriage return substitute CRLF in URL command body