
From London Hackspace Wiki
Revision as of 19:06, 23 February 2012 by Russ (talk | contribs)

Current Monthly Budget

Rent £3750
Business Rates £600
Electricity £300
Cleaner £140
Internet £22
Water £50
Phone £18
Reserve £200
Supplies £150
Total £5230


We're currently being billed £21/month for both units (VAT exempt). This is a little high, I suspect we'll get it reduced soon.


(inc VAT)

Phone £15.31
Internet £21.97


Our predicted electricity usage for the combined Units 23 and 24 is 1200kWh/month. Current offer on the table from EDF is 44p/day + 10.89p/kWh:

Standing charge £0.44 * 30 £13.20
Cost/kWh £0.1089 * 1200 £130.68
CCL £0.0047 * 1200 £5.64
Total ex VAT £149.52
VAT @ 20% £29.90
Total £179.42


For Units 23 and 24 combined:

Rent £2,183.33
Service Charge £941.02
Total ex VAT £3,124.35
VAT @ 20% £624.87
Total £3,749.22