Cable Car Trip

From London Hackspace Wiki


We're all tourists at heart and wanna go on the big cable car! And boats! Yay! Emirates Air Line aka Cable Car over the Thames


Saturday 14 July 2012. Leave Embankment Pier 14:23 then play it by ear from there.


  1. Get a Thames Clipper to North Greenwich from Embankment Pier. (50 minutes)
  2. Go on Cable Car to Royal Victoria Docks. Possibly look around, marvel at it containing nothing, go back on the cable car. (10 minute journey on the cable car)(or go on DLR to Greenwich, 25 minutes)
  3. Go to Greenwich(via Jubilee line/DLR, North Greenwich - Greenwich 18 minutes) have dinner at [1] -OR- if it's a nice day, possibly pop to Greenwich Market(closes at 17:30 so aim for 16:30 at least) for tasty noms and have a picnic in the park instead.


Thames Clipper (single to North Greenwich): £6, £5.40 if you show them a PAYG Oyster card

Cable Car: cash fare £4.30 single, £8.60 return. With PAYG Oyster: £3.20 single, £6.40 return

Tube/DLR fare to get to Greenwich post-cable car.

Food/Beer money


  1. Should we private hire a cable car £85 ?
    1. HOW? do we just throw money at them? Website not helpful
    2. Cable Cars hold 10 people but Ian Visits mentions that 6 is a more comfortable number... 8 would be cozy. etc.


Akki is organising this very loosely. We'll travel together but generally we're all paying our own way unless decided and bikeshedded otherwise.

Probably going


Emirates Air Line info from TFL

Timetable & Fares for Thames Clipper service PDF