Project:Plant species testing

From London Hackspace Wiki

We are using primers for plants to test and refine our DNA extraction / PCR technique. First project is to test for peas. Inspiration in this paper.

First extraction and PCR - 17/7/12

We used two methods of extraction. Method 1:

  • Blend peas with salt and detergent
  • Incubate for 15 mins at 60 C
  • Filter and centrifuge - recover supernatant
  • Add proteinease K (0.8 ul - incubate for 1 hr at 50C then 94 C for 10 mins (inactivation of proteinase K)
  • Precipitate with rubbing alcohol and meat tenderiser as an enzyme
  • Centrifuge and remove supernatant to leave pellet

Method 2:

- 'Homogenize' with a pestle in 5% chelex solution for 1 min - Vortex for 10s then boil for 5 mins, then vortex again for 10s - Centrifuge for 1 min - recover supernatant and use as template