Other Events

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See the calendar for details of activities at the Hackspace and events primarily aimed at LHS members.

This page is for other events, elsewhere, that may be of interest. Feel free to add more events.


In London

Think H.R. Giger meets "World of Interiors", or the lovechild of the Natural History Museum and the V&A,(conceived in the Exhibition Road tunnel?). In the window are three slightly singed 3D printers, inside are biological specimens and biology-shaped architecture, furniture, 3D printed models, all curated to within an inch of their lives. The Architecture Foundation 136 Tooley Street SE1 2TU (020) 7084 6767 extended to April Another free exhibition, this at the British Library, called Beautiful Science, and about the graphic (and kinegraphic) display of information. Similarly, some quite beautiful graphics around heart electro-physiology are available online, just google the subject or similar, e.g."cardio electrics" "circle map" "Arnold tongue" (the last two are difficult maths but lovely patterns).

See Ian Visits for other London events of a intellectual but somewhat less geeky nature. Also Lanyard, meetup.com etc.


In Europe


  • Makerland 17-19March, Warsaw, Poland. "A theme park for makers"
  • EHSM Open source hardware and software Hamburg in June "lectures delivered by international makers, hackers, scientists and engineers on topics such as nuclear fusion, chip design, vacuum equipment machining, and applied quantum physics"
  • Hackerbeach

Non-geographic / virtual / broadcast


In London


In Europe


Non-geographic / virtual / broadcast

Visited / Past Events

In London


In Europe

  • OHM July 31st – August 4th 2013. Geestmerambacht, The Netherlands. The next in a series of camps that have been happening every four years since 1989.

Non-geographic / virtual / broadcast
