
From London Hackspace Wiki
Revision as of 19:05, 4 October 2015 by Kraptv (talk | contribs) (coloured debate patterns)
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Twitter @ryanslayer
IRC kraptv
Member of

Amateur Radio

Useful thing to you: My suggested Open House Tour Path

I'm the guy that built the phone system and networked the radio shack (with help and constructive input from the right people, natch). I believe in having group buy-in, but not letting individual nay-sayers try to kill a good idea.

I often say 'participate in progress rather than question results.' - I would hope you share my sentiment and get busy making awesome stuff!

Want to send me an email? I should be reachable easily enough.. test of different colour text . :-)

Things in progress


  • Retina Display Frame
  • FT-450D magnetic loop antenna for HF comms


  • Project:Verint - Security Camera Network Encoder Configuration and integration into ZoneMinder
  • DONE: Reterminate the Ethernet in the Radio Shack (gigabit speeds, ho!)
  • DONE: Maintain some order in the radio shack
  • Cisco Telephone XML revision for remote rebooting via SIP or ssh
  • Mitch Altman's talk: Hackerspace Design Patterns 2.0 I think a lot of the themes that Mitch touch on relate very much to the modern state of London Hackspace. (Slides here)
    • Don't spend time solving problems that haven't happened yet
    • Believe in a do-ocracy (just do it!) - (but be excellent to each other as you do it)
    • The Roommate Anti-Pattern (No sleeping/squatting in the space): People will abuse the space and take advantage of resources much more than they give back.
    • Kitchen Pattern/ Anti-Pattern: Either we make it easy to maintain the kitchen (hook up the dishwasher somewhere and USE IT) or we dis-incentivize the messy-meal abusers.
      • Kraptv comment: This relates to a mentality of LHS members "These {tools/spaces/resources} are not mine, I will treat it with respect." vs. "These {tools/spaces/resources} are not mine, any abuse/maintenance/cleanup of this space is not my problem."
    • The Mentor Pattern: Every new member is assigned an experienced mentor, when the member has a question, they can ask the mentor easily
    • Cultural immune system: Get the entire community involved with attracting new people who belong. Greet new people at the door, give them a tour, including what your community is and is not about. Keep people who don’t belong out of the space. Define what it means to belong and not belong.
    • Reboot the space!: Close the space. Kick everyone out. Only let in people to fix the space. Throw a party. Continue to only let in people good for the community.
    • Community isn't easy but it is very rewarding.

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