
From London Hackspace Wiki
< News
Revision as of 20:43, 20 April 2010 by (talk)


New layout (approx.)

After a short discussion on the mailing list, we rearranged the hackspace at the weekend. The aim was to make better use of the space we have, and minimise the impact of the desk and artwork that we are sharing with.

We've agreed with 2020 Archery to increase the rent to £500/month from £420. This means the immovable desk and artwork will be removed, and we'll run a cable so they can use their credit card reader downstairs.

It also means:

  • We can get some more key holders, so these will be elected in the near future.
  • We can fit a lock to the internal door once the phones and card machine have been migrated.


Motion is now working properly, so you can see what's going on at any time at (this URL will probably change soon).


A new server, Lovelace, has been set up to run the Makerbot.

Russ printed a centrifuge attachment for the dremel on the Makerbot.