From London Hackspace Wiki
irccat is now running on Babbage, to help link IRC to things happening in the space
It's called robonaut. If you wish to add commands to it, drop scripts in /usr/share/irccat
on Babbage.
Robonaut Commands
Robonaut's commands and what they do...
- access
- ampm
- babel
- beacon
- beacons
- board
- cancer
- cc
- coffee
- commands
- date
- daysofar
- dc
- define
- donate
- echo
- fight
- following
- hax
- hits
- info
- join
- journeytoalphacentauri
- kegerator
- keyholders
- klingon
- laser
- last24
- layzor
- lightsoff
- lightson
- makerbot
- man
- map
- meet
- members
- meter
- monthly
- notify
- phone
- ping
- procexp
- ps
- quote
- reports
- roulette
- setBoard
- shutup-dev
- slamthedoor
- spies
- summon-dev
- swap
- time
- unwatch
- users
- vrms
- watch
- waxon
- where
- who
- wiki
- workshops