
From London Hackspace Wiki
< 7th – 13th July 2011 London Hackspace news
8th – 14th September 2011

General space news


Upcoming events

  • Saturday 24 Sept, 14:00 - Bitcoin weekend: talks (details tbd)
  • Sunday 25 Sept, 14:00 - Bitcoin weekend: workshops (details tbd)


Recently added projects:

  • TRTL by Amx109, Jontyw, Hipster: "To produce a low cost kit robot that is simple to build, and easy to use/program via software with the aim of introducing and kids and adults alike to building, making, electronics and software."
  • Network Everything, initiated by eb4890: "A project for a hacker event. Where lots of people make small networked devices of their choosing that are put together in interesting ways at the event"
  • Combination Lock Box A combination Lock Box with user selectable and modifiable combination lock.
  • Nanode Case A 2mm acrylic case cut on a laser cutter for a Nanode


Please can members update their items in the SwapShop so that it can become more useful and also please date when you add something.

New items this week: