Makers Day Oct 2019

From London Hackspace Wiki
Revision as of 18:42, 1 October 2019 by Dushyantahuja (talk | contribs)

We're holding another "Makers Day" on Saturday the 19th of Oct from 12:00 - 18:00.

This will be a large open day where people can have a look around the hackspace to see what we get up to, and be tempted to become members if they aren't already ;-)

We've got many of our regular members showing up specifically for this day to show case the amazing hackspace and what it has to offer:

  • GB4LHS radio demo for those interested in "amateur" radio and talking with people on the other side of the planet!
  • Woodwork demos in the well equipped wood working space
  • A comprehensive but brief laser cutter demo
  • A 6 axis robot printing demo
  • See our amazing microscopic world in the biolab (via some microscopes) and chat about all things biotech, etc!
  • USB morse key/challenge
  • Infinity Mirror Clock [1]) - This was featured at the World Maker Faire in New York a few years back and has been the pride of my living room ever since. I've also started creating smaller versions of this clock.
  • Weather Indicator [2] - Uses an ESP8266 to get weather data from the net and shows different colours based on the forecast.
  • A couple of the metal bashers around to talk and demo welding, milling and turning
  • Drinks
  • Pecha Kucha - There will be a Pecha Kucha starting at 2pm in the classroom open to all members and non-members alike. Confirmed speakers include:
           Maryam Ahmed:
           Cass M:
           Des Quilty: Metal Working at the Hackspace
           Maheemal Thilakarathne: 6 axis robot arm
           Matthew (Marrold): Traffic Lights
           Dushyant Ahuja: Making

5 pm onwards: Science, Technology, and Makers Fair meeting

From 5pm makers will start heading upstairs to their items (if they're not there already) and this will be an opportunity for us to get deep into the science and tech of what they've been building.

What is the Hackspace?

A communal space for people who make things... because EVERYTHING has user-serviceable parts inside and we're not allowed to do this stuff in the house either.