Workshops/Introduction to UAV

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Revision as of 14:55, 10 August 2011 by (talk) (Created page with "This workshop will consist of a talk that covers all the background information that you need to know to get started with micro-UAVs (focusing more on autonomous quadcopters), a ...")
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This workshop will consist of a talk that covers all the background information that you need to know to get started with micro-UAVs (focusing more on autonomous quadcopters), a live demo, and Q&A. This is aimed at anyone interested in flying micro-UAVs and autonomous micro-UAVs, and no experience in flying, coding, or building is necessary. By the end of this workshop you will know everything you need to know in order to get started with your own micro-UAVs.


We will introduce micro-UAVs and how they work, and the most common ways of building one (or adapting existing RC aircraft), and what you need to make them fly.

Here is a shortlist of topics we will cover (note: subject to change)

  • Introduction to micro-UAVs and quadcopters
  • Principles of operation of rotor- and fixed-wing UAVs
  • Building from scratch/converting RC aircraft
  • Selecting components (battery, ESCs, motors, props)
  • Microcontrollers and sensors
  • Introduction to stabilisation and navigation
  • Introduction to DCM
  • Introduction to PID and tuning
  • Introduction to GPS
  • Laws and regulations on flying micro-UAVs
  • Where to next?

Followed by a quick demo of a quadcopter (if there is a big enough space).

We will be videoing the talk to go on Youtube, and slides will also be available.


TBC, we're looking at Sunday 21st or Thursday 25th of August.

How much?
