447 Power
Power General Notes:
- Existing 230V/13A wall sockets should only be used for low-current equipment, not large items. The latter will have a separate supply
- New circuits will be installed with local distribution boxes so that there should never be a need to access the main electrical intake room (which belongs to the landlord, not us)
- Re safety emergency buttons (eg. RS 330-8559) they can be fitted per item of equipment or per room. There is a strong argument that if someone away from the area where the emergency occurs runs to offer help they don't want to have to work out which kit is the problem, and that therefore the room power should be killed as a 'safety-first' issue. Latest discussions are that there will be a 'room' one external to the new workshop rooms, with some 'item' ones inside. Further comments welcome.
- If in doubt, talk to User:AlisonW. If you need something special in your area, talk to User:AlisonW. If you think this is wrong, talk to User:AlisonW!
Box A: All power, except overhead lighting circuits, which is used in the wood workshop. Individual circuits for major equipment plus one 'general sockets'. As appropriate, mushroom STOP buttons to be installed for dangerous equipment (User:Solexious is co-ordinating)
Box B: All power, except overhead lighting circuits, which is used in the metal workshop. Individual circuits for major equipment plus one 'general sockets'. As appropriate, mushroom STOP buttons to be installed on dangerous equipment. (User:Solexious is co-ordinating)
Box C: All power, except overhead lighting circuits, which is used in the biolab and wet room (darkroom). Biolab circuits per their request.
Box D: Power circuits, except overhead lighting, for equipment in general workshop area. Major equipment (eg. lathes) on individual circuits, with mushroom STOP buttons at point nearest central gangway. User:Solexious dealing with use post-distro.
Box E: 3-phase single power circuit. Not in current use,
Maintained emergency exit signs will be located at the two exits; there are already emergency lights in place covering the whole floor which have been tested.
Ground Floor
This will be similar to downstairs in terms of getting the power to needed areas; Local distribution boxes as appropriate for areas subject to possible 'issues' (I suspect this means electronics lab / soldering area).