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< Template:Error

Revision as of 11:58, 29 July 2011 by (talk) (sl:Predloga:Napaka)
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The template returns a state of error (recognized as such by a wiki parser function), and optionally an error-message text in red (visible for the user).


  • {{error|An exemplary error}} → {{#invoke:Error|error|An exemplary error|tag=}}
  • Compare, used in a Parser Function: {{#expr:Foo}}Expression error: Unrecognised word "foo".
  • {{#iferror:{{error|Foo}} | {{y}} | {{n}} }}Template:N

Tag option

The tag to contain the error message can be given through the tag parameter, but it will only accept span, div, p, and strong, since those are the only tags recognized by the #iferror parser function. It defaults to strong, the tag generated e.g. by #expre. To prevent strong message, use one of the other tags, e.g. tag=span.

  • ABC {{error|An exemplary error demo no tag (default)}} XYZ → ABC {{#invoke:Error|error|An exemplary error demo no tag (default)|tag=}} XYZ
  • ABC {{error|An exemplary error demo span|tag=span}} XYZ → ABC {{#invoke:Error|error|An exemplary error demo span|tag=span}} XYZ
  • ABC {{error|An exemplary error demo div|tag=div}} XYZ → ABC {{#invoke:Error|error|An exemplary error demo div|tag=div}} XYZ
  • ABC {{error|An exemplary error demo p|tag=p}} XYZ → ABC {{#invoke:Error|error|An exemplary error demo p|tag=p}} XYZ
  • ABC {{error|An exemplary error demo strong|tag=strong}} XYZ → ABC {{#invoke:Error|error|An exemplary error demo strong|tag=strong}} XYZ

See also