Equipment/Bus Pirate

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Revision as of 15:55, 9 August 2010 by Ms7821 (talk | contribs)

The Bus Pirate is a low-level interface to:

  • 1-Wire
  • UART
  • I2C
  • SPI
  • JTAG
  • raw 2-wire
  • raw 3-wire
  • PC keyboard
  • HD44780 LCDs
  • MIDI

It includes an ADC and can bit bash these protocols at the wire level.


brown - GND		
red - +3.3			 
orange - +5	
yellow - ADC		 
green - VPU		
blue - AUX
purple - CLK		
grey - MOSI		
white - CS			
black - MISO

AVRDude bus pirate mappings:

+ * BusPirate       AVR Chip 
+ * ---------       --------
+ *       GND  <->  GND
+ *       +5V  <->  Vcc
+ *        CS  <->  RESET
+ *      MOSI  <->  MOSI
+ *      MISO  <->  MISO
+ *   SCL/CLK  <->  SCK