Organisation/2017 EGM

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Revision as of 15:39, 12 October 2017 by Padski (talk | contribs)

A General Meeting of London Hackspace has been called by the directors under section 302 of the Companies Act 2006. This meeting will be held on xxxxx at xxxxx in the Classroom at London Hackspace.

Agenda items for this meeting will be accepted up until xxxxxx.

Members wishing to vote on resolutions in this meeting should consider the discussion on the mailing list while making their decision on how to vote.


The transcript will be made available online as soon as possible after the meeting.


These resolutions can be discussed on the mailing list, and links to these discussions will be posted below:


Any resolutions which do not pass by a clear show of hands, will be voted on by online poll which will start seven days after the meeting. See below for information on how to vote by proxy.

Special Resolution 1

In Articles of Association: 25(b)i Replace:

'The Meek STV voting method with a "no further places" candidate must be used.'


The Meek STV voting method must be used.

Proposed by Russ Garrett.

(A 75% majority is required to pass this resolution)

Special Resolution 2

In Articles of Association: 30(b)


'retire at the next annual general meeting and must not be taken into account in determining the directors who are to retire by rotation.'


'retire at the next directors election and must not be taken into account in determining the directors who are to retire by rotation.

Proposed by Russ Garrett.

(A 75% majority is required to pass this resolution)

Special Resolution 3

In Articles of Association: 7(d)


'or her or its membership is terminated. A resolution to remove a member from membership may only be passed if:

i. the member has been given at least twenty-one days' notice in writing of the meeting of the directors at which the resolution will be proposed and the reasons why it is to be proposed;

ii. the member or, at the option of the member, the member's representative (who need not be a member of the association) has been allowed to make representations to the meeting.'


'or her or its membership is terminated. Such a resolution may only be passed after the Board has banned the member under the Grievance Procedure;

iii. a special resolution is passed stating that it is in the best interests of the association that his/her membership is terminated. Such a resolution may only be passed if the member has been given 14 days' notice of the resolution, and has been allowed to provide a statement to the general meeting.'

Proposed by Russ Garrett.

(A 75% majority is required to pass this resolution)

Special Resolution 4

In Articles of Association: 7(d)

In Articles of Association: Remove Article 22 and In 7(d)


'Membership is open to other individuals or organisations who:'


'Membership is open to other individuals who:'

Proposed by Paddy Duncan

(A 75% majority is required to pass this resolution)

You may appoint a proxy for this meeting by sending an email to the Chair at from the email address associated with your membership account, with the subject "EGM Proxy" stating:

The name of the member you wish to nominate as your proxy. (You may nominate the Chair as your proxy.) If you wish, instructions on how the proxy should vote. The Chair will abstain on all proxy votes unless instructed otherwise.