Pledge: Nanodes/Details

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To be Collected 76
To be Posted 5
Nottinghack/Ken 17
Grand Total 100
Free (for waiting list people) 0

Nanodes to be Collected

As well as those distributed during the workshops, Thirty Nanodes 0080 - 0099 and 0120 - 0129 have been left with Martin Dittus. Please claim yours from Martin and complete the table below.

Please note - if you have ordered four or more Nanodes, please take two for now, and the remaining from the next batch of 25 units available in the 2nd week of June

Order Quantity User Paid Collected Serial Numbers
1 1 lbdl £18.00 Yes 0080
2 2 DMI £36.00 Yes 0047, 0048
3 1 Christian Nold/Softhook £18.00 Yes 0053
4 2 amx109 £36.00 Yes 0073, 0074
5 2 Mildlymad £36.00
6 5 earthshine £90.00
7 1 Tomwj £18.00 yes 0094
8 2 teabot £36.00 Yes 0090, 0091
9 4 Spike £72.00
10 2 V21 £36.00
11 2 Catie £36.00 Yes Will update soon! :)
13 2 Ciemon £36.00
14 1 MartinD £18.00 Yes 0060
15 2 Monsonite £36.00 Yes 0000, 0045
16 10 Monsonite (Pachube) £180.00 Y 0100 - 0109
17 2 Artag £36.00 Y 0037,0038
18 4 matthew venn £72.00
19 3 asc/ascen £54.00 3 0040, 0082, 0083
20 4 Bob/b3cft £72.00
21 1 MartinJ £18.00 Yes 0088
22 2 elyob £36.00 Yes 0070, 0071
23 1 pyrhho £18.00 Y 0067
24 1 WzDD £18.00 Yes 0056
25 1 Preich £18.00 Y 0063
26 1 JamesBrown £18.00
27 2 James Adam £36.00 Y 0065, 0066
28 1 Jyoti £18.00 Y 0064
29 2 thehypnotist £36.00 Y 0054,0055
30 5 Dirk-Willem van Gulik (dirkx) £90.00
31 2 Actel £36.00 yes 0092, 0093
32 1 Mark £18.00
33 2 snim2 £36.00 Posted 8/6/11 0131, 0132
34 2 Adrian £36.00 Yes 0068, 0069
35 1 nneil £18.00 (£20.00) Y 0043 (0044)
52 1 Wonderer £18.00 Y 0059
Total Quantity 78 Total Paid £1404.00

Nanodes to be Posted

Order Quantity User Note Shipping Paid? Total Paid Sent Serial Numbers
12 2 HKAirpost postage to France Y £36.00 Y 0001, 0002
37 1 jmccrohan plus postage to Ireland N £18.00 Y 0079
38 1 Chris Swetenham/Fib ( plus postage to Cambridge N £18.00 Y 0076
39 1 parag0n plus postage to Manchester N £18.00 Y 0077
Total Quantity 5 Total Paid £84.00

Nanodes for Nottinghack or Paid Ken Separately

Order Quantity User Note Shipping Paid? Total Paid Sent Serial Numbers
36 1 John Crouchley Included with Nottinghack shipment N £18.00 Yes 0020
40 1 Gavin Bell @zzgavin on twitter N £18.00
41 1 Ifung Lu @h4rrydog - to be collected at LHS N £18.00 (£18.00) Y 0050,0051
42 2 Chunkyhampton Matt Little (Included with Nottinghack shipment) N £36.00
43 1 Matt Lloyd Included with Nottinghack shipment N £18.00 0024 0022 0028
44 1 Roger Light Included with Nottinghack shipment Y £20.00 0025
45 1 Dylan Swift Included with Nottinghack shipment N £18.00
46 1 Michael Erskine paid £2 for postage Included with Nottinghack shipment £20.00 0026
47 2 StuartP plus postage to Birmingham Y £40.00 Posted 6/6/11 0110,0111
48 2 ThomasMarks N £36.00 Y Collected 4/6/11 0033, 0034
49 1 Jacques Meunier paid £4 for shipping to Belgium Y £22.00 Posted 6/6/11 Received 9/6/11 0078
50 1 theorbtwo paid £4 for postage to Swindon (address in paypal made to Ken) Y £22.00 Posted 6/6/11, Received 7/6/11 0075
51 2 Webmeister N £36.00 Posted 6/6/11 0112, 0113
52 1 Adam Hillson Y £20.00 Yes 0004
Total Quantity 17 Total Paid £320.00