E. coli GFP transformation

From London Hackspace Wiki

Genetic modification

We're interested in doing genetic modification on micro-organisms at the London Hackspace. Needed for GFP experiment (that we don't already have):

Fridge? Incubator. Build or buy. Cleaning: Bleach, gloves, paper towels, hand cleaning gel. Bunsen burner + fuel. Glassware, pipettes, tools. Ethanol. Lots.

To apply for a license we will probably first need: Written protocols for stuff, especially cleaning up.

Disposal. Chemical. Sterilisation. Do we need incineration? Find a waste disposal company that will take biohazard material?

Restriction enzymes. At least two. Pricey? GFP plasmid. Antibiotics. Ampicillin. Initial e. coli culture. Growth medium/ broth. LB. Plates. Standard 10cm plates. Agarose. Ice. 40C bath.

Proper storage.

Centrifuge - bigger : hold

Miniprep kit

Maxiprep kit

Growing competent E. coli

Here is the protocol we used with UCL to grow competent cells during the making of the public biobrick. So we need to get E. coli, LB - £66, 0.1M CaCl2 - £32.50, M9 salts, MgSO4, bacteriological agar solution - £42.90, thiamine - ~£20, D glucose - ~£20, and plates. All links are only the first ones I found, maybe cheaper options.


Here's a protocol to do a 'self-cloning' transformation, which we would not need a licence for, and so could do now to practise.

  • plate spreaders
  • petri dishes
  • LB
  • Agar
  • Howard has a good protocol for transformation


There are a number of things we have to do in order to set up a GM lab.

The relevant regulations are The Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations 2000 (PDF)

Here is a summary of those regulations: GMO Regulations 2000 summary