Project:Door sensor

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Revision as of 17:55, 18 November 2012 by Paul (talk | contribs) (First effort)
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Door Sensor


To tell the state of the (front) door without having to physically be there/see it. More generically, a binary input that is on the network.

How it works

  • You can create Ethernet loop back devices by shorting a couple of pairs on Ethernet cables as per
  • By opening and closing one pair you can bring a network interface up/down
  • A micro switch has been mounted into the door frame at the top and brown/white cable run to choc blocks, and then a network cable run back to Cisco2 switch, port 42

Things it doesn't interact with

This has nothing to do with:

  • Doorbot
  • Spacecensus
  • Alarm Cabling

How do I interact with this?

?doorstatus on IRC will responsd with "Door closed" or "Door open"

What next?

  • Tidy up the script that tells IRC the status. At the moment it is the quickest dirtiest python you will ever see
  • Add more doors! - Build a complete building management system that has the status of all infrastructure
  • Log/graph it in Cacti?