447 Power

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Power General Notes:

  1. Existing 230V/13A wall sockets should only be used for low-current equipment, not large items. The latter will have a separate supply
  2. New circuits will be installed with local distribution boxes so that there should never be a need to access the main electrical intake room (which belongs to the landlord, not us)
  3. Re safety emergency buttons (eg. RS 330-8559) they can be fitted per item of equipment or per room. There is a strong argument that if someone away from the area where the emergency occurs runs to offer help they don't want to have to work out which kit is the problem, and that therefore the room power should be killed as a 'safety-first' issue. Latest discussions are that there will be a 'room' one external to the new workshop rooms, with some 'item' ones inside. Further comments welcome.
  4. Non-maintained emergency exit signs will be installed. Plans show possible locations. There are already emergency lights in place covering the whole floor which have been tested.
  5. If in doubt, talk to User:AlisonW. If you need something special in your area, talk to User:AlisonW. If you think this is wrong, talk to User:AlisonW!


Basement elec.png

Existing lighting remains in situ, along with some wall sockets (mostly at main stairs end). New circuits will be provisioned via new distribution boxes as follows:

Box A: All power, except overhead lighting circuits, which is used in the wood workshop. (User:Solexious is co-ordinating)

Box B: All power, except overhead lighting circuits, which is used in the metal workshop. (User:Solexious is co-ordinating)

Box C: All power, except overhead lighting circuits, which is used in the biolab and wet room (darkroom). Biolab circuits per their request.

sockets now not being fitted until Monday/Tuesday as biolab want to fill and paint everything first.

Box D: Power circuits, except overhead lighting, for equipment in general workshop area. (User:Solexious co-ordinating)

Box E: 3-phase 16A power circuit. Not in current use,

Box F: Power for server stack, future CNC workshop, and additional circuits.

installation complete - 2x16A, 4x13A for server use, 4x13A for area use. Plenty of slots for more circuits.

Ground Floor

Partitions to be added

This will be similar to downstairs in terms of getting the power to needed areas, though there are more socket points already in situ; New local distribution boxes are as follows:

Box J: Supplies sockets in local work area and (part of) central area. Also supplies emergency exit lighting above stairs and at main entrance.

Box fitted on wall in position. Some 13A outlets to be added below before move date. Probably not final circuit layout

Box K: Supplies sockets and equipment in local area (probably electronics lab) and circuit to sub-box supplying outside.

on hold pending decision on location due to shelving possibly requiring same place.
box supplying outside waiting for clearance to put hole through (outside waterproof sockets ready to fit)

Box L: Supplies the two socket rings in the new classroom, plus (part of) central area. May also supply emergency exit lighting at each end of corridor.

Was waiting on wall to be plastered or painted, now to be fitted Thursday pre-move

Distribution details

All sub-distribution boxes are supplied via 12mm^2 csa per core armoured or non-armoured cable, unless stated.

Box A
Box B
Box C
Biolab circuits: 16 double sockets on three circuits, RCD-protected,
Wet room: presently undefined: two MCB spaces reserved, all RCD-protected. One 6A lighting circuit.
Total requirement: incomer, 2RCDs, 6 MCBs (6,32x3, 2blank) - 12 modules total - standard CU products can be used
Box D
Box E
Termination only.
Box F
Server: 2x 16A outlet, 1x double socket, RCD. sep circuits. (5 modules)
CNC: presently undefined: 4 MCB spaces plus RCD reserved. (6 modules)
one circuits for expansion (room opp boiler entrance?)
Total requirement: incomer:3 MCBs (10,16x2, 8blank) - 14 modules total - standard CU products can be used
Box J
partially on hold pending better definition of area requirements
Emergency exit lights 6A
Total requirement: incomer, 5 circuits with RCB - min 9 modules total - standard CU products can be used
Box K
on hold pending better definition of area requirements. Will require one RCD for inside and one for outside, though latter may be local to exit with switch.
Install 10-module CU as default; MCB choices can be revised subsequently.
Box L
Classroom: 2 rings to extant fittings. RCD-protected
Emergency Exit lights: 6A
install 7-module CU, using twin+earth not armoured (due to routing required)

Status Update

Wednesday April 11

  • Basement work outwith the workshop areas is completed to requirements for pre-move (see above)
  • There was an accident made in the ordering made of the armoured cable which will be used to join the new distribution boxes back to the incoming power supply. This meant that the cable runs could not be started today as planned.
  • We do have some armoured cable though and this - together with the refitting of the ceiling-mounted cable trays - should happen Thursday afternoon.
  • Replacement cables have been ordered; it is hoped that they will arrive on Friday. Alison can't be at 447 on Friday so it isn't certain whether the connection(s) can be made pre-move, but is unlikely. She hopes to be here on Saturday evening (despite it being her birthday) but this isn't certain yet, especially as getting in the way of the move is not a good idea.
  • Ground Floor work will be done Thursday afternoon.
  • Biolab sockets will be fitted on Monday or Tuesday (pending dry paint) at their request
  • I don't know when sockets will be fitted inside new classroom

Works list


The power meter is one of these: http://www.edmi-meters.com/ProductDetail.aspx?L0=1&Prodid=11