
From London Hackspace Wiki
Revision as of 23:40, 9 May 2013 by AlisonW (talk | contribs) (re-cat)

Entryphone system for the lift loading bay

This system appears to be broken.

There is an entry phone system with the outside panel next to the lift on the loading bay, handsets for it are at least:

  • In the biohacker room on the far wall
  • On one of the pillars in the ground floor
  • On one of the pillars in the basement.

It looks like each handset has it's own hardwired psu.

It's not known if the buttons ('key' and 'lightbulb') on the handsets do anything.

Biohacker room phone psu.

Internal analogue phone extentions

There is also an internal analog phone system with a number of extensions, There is a list of which extension goes where on the wall on the back of the lobby on the ground floor. We don't yet know where all the lines go. - partly removed now.

Phone Landline

Our number is 0207 0339080, the phone itself is down in the basement and may not get answered.

Future phone system

We have

  • a cisco/linksys spa941 sip phone - *NO POE*
  • a cisco/linksys spa942 sip phone - *HAS POE* mac 00:0e:08:d5:31:9f
  • A fairly decent conference desk phone (analogue)
  • 2 x proprietary conference voip (non-sip) phones (will almost certainly ebay them).
  • And somewhere we have a vandal & weather resistant phone.

Ideally we'd have:

A sip phone in general area and one in the basement, the vandal proof phone mounted by the backgate, and maybe use the conference phone somewhere?