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London Hackspace Brewing

Plans are afoot to start brewing in the new Space.


A public Google sub-group exists for planning brewdays, discussing recipes and the like.

Other topics that affect the Space as a whole should be done on the main mailing list.


Brewing will take place outside on or in front of the loading dock for various reasons, namely ventilation and easy access to running water.

As there's no fixed hose fitting that we've found, we'll be clamping a hose on to the bathroom tap just inside the roller door. This is used for the immersion chiller whilst cooling the wort. Thankfully there's also a drain below the loading dock.


User:B3cft has kindly loaned the space his setup The kit is to be considered Hackspace infrastructure and is not to be hacked, but can be used with respect. As always, please clean up after yourselves, and return the equipment to where you found it. (Mention the permanent location of the kit here)

A full list of equipment is:

  • 50L Stainless mash tun - Owner: User:B3cft
  • Converted keg kettle - Owner: User:B3cft
  • Various 25L fermenting vessels - Owner: Various
  • 8x 19L Cornies - Owner: User:B3cft
  • Copper immersion chiller - Owner: User:Detonate
  • Hose(25m) and fittings (Bathroom tap adapter and hose connector) - Owner: Hackspace
  • Brew belt - Owner:Ross
  • Thermometer & Hydrometer - Owner:Ross
  • Backup Mash tun (25L) (When/if required)- Owner:Ross


Add some links to our favourite recipes, perhaps include some Hackspace brews.