Workshops/Knitting Machine

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Knitting Machine Classes

There's so much to cover with the knitting machine and it's various settings, dials and features that I've split up the learnings into 6 classes.

It's important that you attend at least some of these classes before attempting to use the knitting machine to reduce the risk of breaking it and spoiling it for everyone. As you don't need to know all the things to just use the equipment properly only these classes are compulsory:

  • class 1 (knitting machine setup, basic knit and trouble shooting)
  • class 3 (ribber attachment setup, basic knit and trouble shooting)

Sessions and people

The 6 classes will be run twice each to cater for more people:

Session 1: 7pm every Wed, starting Sept 18th

Matt Artg Marc Necati Stephane Benjamin / Oni (Sep 25th onward)

Session 2: 7pm every Mon, starting Sept 23rd

Charles / Sol Clare / Noko Joanna (Ashka) Tola Mark Erica Benjamin / Oni (Sep 23rd only)

Topics covered and when

Class 1

Setup, basic knit and trouble shooting.

Session 1: 7pm Wed Sep 18th Session 2: 7pm Mon Sep 23rd

Class 2

Designing and knitting your own multicolored patterns in fair isle (using on-board computer) and intarsia.

Session 1: 7pm Wed Sep 25th Session 2: 7pm Mon Sep 30rd

Class 3

Ribber setup, trouble shooting, basic knits and double jacquard.

Session 1: 7pm Wed Oct 2nd Session 2: 7pm Mon Oct 7th

Class 4

The hacked knitting machine - uploading patterns from computer.

Session 1: 7pm Wed Oct 9th Session 2: 7pm Mon Oct 14th

Class 5

1/2 Putting it all together: knit your own a sweater.

Session 1: 7pm Wed Oct 16th Session 2: 7pm Mon Oct 21st

Class 6

2/2 Putting it all together: knit your own a sweater.

Session 1: 7pm Wed Oct 23rd Session 2: 7pm Mon Oct 28th

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