Pledge: Shapeoko 2 - desktop CNC full kit
From London Hackspace Wiki
We are looking at purchasing a Shapeoko v2 for the space from MakerSlide. Pledge opened: 26 October 2013
Pledge leader: Antaeus
The item
The Shapeoko 2 is a simple, low cost, open source CNC milling machine kits that can be built over a weekend. This is version 2 of the fastest selling CNC machine in the history of the world. There is also further information about the machine, kits, kit contents and other things on this Inventables blog post. The machine as a whole is accurate but needs a good motor/chuck for the flexibility of what cutters can be used.
See this thread on London Hackspace mailing list.
Also needed
- A decent spindle motor and chucks, (not a Dremel)
- Dust extraction
- Full enclosure
Possible suppliers
- Mech kit etc. from a RepRap supplier on ebay
- MakerSlide, currently have none in stock
Rough budget estimation
- eShapeoko 2 - £250
- Decent spindle motor and chucks - £150
- Dust extraction - £50
- Full enclosure - £50
Total £500
Additional information
See also
- £10 - Rob Kam
- £20 - Renato Lopes
- £20 - Dave Mansfield
- £20 - Colin Cooper
Running total: £70
Approximate target: £450