
From London Hackspace Wiki
Revision as of 19:22, 30 December 2014 by Kraptv (talk | contribs)
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oh man. There's supposed to be a wiki page here?

I enjoy various infrastructure and radio bits. I used to live in a house where I had fantastic amounts of space to do various hackery hands-on projects, but now I live in London. LHS serves that need quite nicely. I also co-founded an internet co-operative elsewhere in the world in 1997. It's still going strong!

I'm the guy that built the phone system and networked the radio shack (with help and constructive input from the right people, natch). I believe in having group buy-in, but not letting individual nay-sayers try to kill a good idea.

I often say 'participate in progress rather than question results.' - I would hope you share my sentiment and get busy making awesome stuff!

Want to send me an email? send it to my username . :-)

Things in progress


  • Retina Display Frame
  • FT-450D magnetic loop antenna for HF comms


  • Verint Security Camera Network Encoders
  • Reterminate the Ethernet in the Radio Shack (gigabit speeds, ho!)
  • Reduce clutter in the radio shack
  • Cisco Telephone XML revision for remote rebooting via SIP or ssh
  • Twitter Update on Cisco Telephone screens
  • Adapt Cisco POE phone into outdoor intercom