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This is the week after the Maker Faire in Newcastle, which was "not terribly grim", and very good for networking.

Ben made various sites with his iPhone RFID reader.


We've received the donation from Rewired State, which you can see on our monthly report.

We're still waiting for the offer of beer money the Guardian made in October.


Somerset House haven't got back to us with a timescale for moving in yet. Jonty gave them a week or so and emailed back on Monday.


Jonty and Russ met someone at the Maker Faire with a laser cutter, which is of course our goal for the year. We don't want to put it in the current space, so we won't be getting one yet.

Bob, who got a contraptor CNC machine in January, has offered to donate it to the space.

The space now has a sewing machine, donated by Kate via Jonty.

Jonty has a new heli, and nobodyMark's allowed to play with it.