Door control system/Logbook

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All changes/problems reported with the door entry system.

See also


Operator: Solexious

  • Worked out why avrdude stopped working - Mark fixed Doorbot to keep the serial port open!
  • Wired the door bell up


Operator: Artag (write-up by Mark)

  • Replaced the chocblock with a lovely 25 pin D-Type connector, with soldered joints and heat-shrink.
  • Started testing on the scope, but couldn't find a suitable way of using the trigger feature.
  • Suggestions for improvements:
    • See whether PWM/AC requires less current to trigger the solenoid
      • PWM the relay? What? Russ 23:20, 29 September 2010 (UTC)
      • It followed on from a discussion about solid-state relays (>500Hz SSRs exist), but there's probably a suitable mosfet. Ms7821 08:33, 30 September 2010 (UTC)
    • See whether the 5v supply is having difficulty when the reader is powered
    • If so, isolate it and use a hefty capacitor to keep that going (rather than supporting the solenoid)


Operator: Mark

Problem 1

Identified by Solexious at the weekend

  • Arduino resets on serial open() from bifferboard
  • Arduino flashes digital outputs high on reset
  • Digital output flashing high triggers door open (this seems to be getting worse over time)


  • Disabling DTS (didn't work)
  • Pull-down resistor (10k to 1k)
  • Physical reset button on arduino (it also makes the pins flash)
  • 120 ohm resistor between 5V and RSET on arduino - works :D
The board no longer flashes the outputs on boot, but still does when the reset button is pressed.


  • Open serial port on boot
  • Hope it doesn't restart

To try:

  • Check voltage during boot, so see whether either line is spiking
  • Replace diode on solenoid
  • Resistors to reduce sensitivity of darlington
  • Use a capacitor to smooth over the reset pulse, requiring > 1 second to trigger relay
  • Rebuild darlington/relay board
  • Use a solid state relay (no darlington required)

Problem 2

  • Chocolate block "plug" is loose, sometimes causing loss of power at slightest touch

To try:

  • Replace with header/plugs (we'll try a D-type on Tuesday)

Fixed by Artag

Problem 3

  • Flashing arduino has stopped working (stk500v1: no response)

To try:

  • Another arduinio (Solexious will bring one on Tuesday)

This was because doorbot had the serial port open

Problem 4

  • Rootfs went away at 4:04am
  • This might have been the sensitive chocblock again, as there were people in the space.

Previous problems

  • Progressive failure overnight before Sunday of the Arduino talk - very bad. After investigation it was found that the original alarm charger was outputting 6v, so the Nneil donated a wall charger to replace it.
  • Numerous bifferboards were destroyed by cigarette lighter regulators which spontaneously become zero ohm resistors when a large (> 0.6A) current is pulled through them.
  • The original spec for a 7805 did not take into account the amount of current passed. 7V * 0.8A = a small radiator.
  • The original transistors we tried were not enough to trigger the relay, so were replaced with Darlingtons.