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How to contact me

My user name is my gmail email address.

Why contact me

I encourage you to contact me via email regarding development of a device for consciousness research. This is not a development of a consumer product. I need help realizing health and safety issues, and discovery of prior science.

I am an amateur scientist and retired programmer struggling to develop a device based upon a near-death disclosure of a military remote viewer.

About my life study as an accidental XenoEngineer

This cognitive science project is personally urgent, as the disclosure information explained how to build a device I had seen and experienced in a vision nearly forty years prior, as a young man. In the vision I had built the orb myself.

I struggle at building, as a retired programmer, and will immensely appreciate electrical engineering expertise in high-current magnetic pulse work toward Coulomb field coupling.

Prior work with former Soviet spy tech (Quasi Axiomatic Theory, DARPA BAA, 2000 --functioned as a naive programmer) is a perfect fit to parse the signal of sentient intent from the noise envelope of the device. I was tutored this technology by the Ph.D that recovered it from an out-of-work spook scientist formerly employed by the former Soviet Union. I was taught and wrote the code of the first complete proof of the QAT, and hold unencumbered copyright of that proof... should such be valuable to raising capitol to replace smoked transistors. No other persons in the world are known to understand this.

The disclosure revealed how the military cooperated with an alien intelligence to build a device that functions as a superluminal radio with direct mental interface.

This project has overwhelmed my waking moments, and is far beyond what one mind should contain. I really need you!

Help me out. This will be an adventure! And, somebody has to to this.

Thank you, from the depths of a lonely soul, Don86326

"It feels like divinity is in the room!" --June 2013, about the device being disclosed by a man with only months to live.